Everything changes when you read.

We’re a UK charity with a mission to empower people of all ages to read.

The Reading Agency

Reading for pleasure and empowerment makes us more aware and informed. It helps us grow our imaginations. It makes us more empathetic and understanding of other people and cultures. It supports our health and wellbeing. It increases our ability to learn new skills. It helps us to communicate our ideas more effectively. It opens doors. It brings joy.

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Illustrated navy coins falling.

£81 billion a year in lost earnings and welfare spending due to low levels of literacy.

Four icons of people. One of them is white, while the other three are navy.

1 in 4 children don’t reach the expected level of reading by the age of 11

Reader Reviews: September 2024

Did you know that we offer free reading group sets of books for groups every month? All we ask for in return are reviews. If…

Social Media Guide

Reading Groups for Everyone is full of opportunities for reading groups, but publishers are often looking for feedback and reviews in return. They are also…

Is Reading a Creative Activity?

Do you think you are being creative when you read? Inspire: Culture, Learning and Libraries set out to answer that…

A photo of legs sticking up into the air from behind a children

Library Facts

Explore key facts about libraries, including the numbers of libraries, the demographics of library users and the outcomes of using libraries.

A photo of an Asian man reading a small child a book. There are bookshelves behind them.

Reading Facts

We want to create a world where everyone is reading their way to a better life. Explore UK-wide reading statistics and facts.

The Reading Agency

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