Gross FACTopia! by Paige Towler, Illustrated by Andy Smith - Colouring Sheet

Did you know that sloths poo only once a week? Or that poo from crocodiles was sometimes used as make-up in ancient Rome? Or that ancient Romans sometimes purchased vials of gladiator sweat? Or that apes and monkeys sweat from their armpits just like humans do?

Welcome to_ Gross FACTopia!_, a wonderland of fantastically foul facts, all of which are verified by Encyclopaedia Britannica! Every fact in this book is linked to the next in an ingenious trail of information, where you will slither from topic to topic in surprising and stomach-churning ways. Sometimes your path branches, and you can catapult forwards or creep backwards to a totally different (but still connected) part of the book.

Follow your curiosity (and your nose) through this ridiculously revolting world of facts!

The Reading Agency

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