News and Stories

Llyfrau ar Bresgripsiwn i helpu i fynd i’r afael â dementia

Mae pennod newydd yn y frwydr yn erbyn dementia yng Nghymru wedi dechrau, wrth lansio cynllun Darllen yn Well: Llyfrau ar Bresgripsiwn ar gyfer dementia gan ddarparu ystod unigryw o lyfrau trwy lyfrgelloedd cyhoeddus, wedi’u hanelu at feithrin dealltwriaeth well o’r clefyd.

Books prescribed to help tackle dementia in Wales

A new chapter in the fight against dementia in Wales has begun, with the launch of Reading Well Books on Prescription for dementia providing a unique range of books via public libraries, aimed at fostering a better understanding of the disease.

Reading in the digital age: the Reading on Screen project

Photo: Ray Gibson At The Reading Agency we believe in the power of sharing stories and work to inspire people to share their love of reading with others. We are very pleased to have been part of the advisory group…

National Libraries Week

3 out of 4 us think libraries are essential or very important to communities. Join us in celebrating everything they achieve this National Libraries Week.

The Reading Agency

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