Hard by a Great Forest bookcover

Hard by a Great Forest

Leo Vardiashvili

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Tbilisi’s littered with memories that await me like landmines. The dearly departed voices I silenced long ago have come back without my permission. The situation calls for someone with a plan. I didn’t even bring toothpaste.

Saba’s father is missing, and the trail leads back to Tbilisi, Georgia.

It’s been two decades since Irakli fled his war-torn homeland with two young sons, now grown men. Two decades since he saw their mother, who stayed so they could escape. At long last, Tbilisi has lured him home. But when Irakli’s phone calls stop, a mystery begins…

Arriving in the city as escaped zoo animals prowl the streets, Saba picks up the trail of clues: strange graffiti, bewildering messages transmitted through the radio, pages from his father’s unpublished manuscript scattered like breadcrumbs. As the voices of those left behind pull at the edges of his world, Saba will discover that all roads lead back to the past, and to secrets swallowed up by the great forests of Georgia.

In a winding pursuit through the magic and mystery of returning to a lost homeland, Hard by a Great Forest is a rare, searching tale of home, memory and sacrifice – of one family’s mission to rescue one another, and put the past to rest.

  • Latest reviews

    This is an accomplished debut novel, which explores themes of home, family and the trauma of civil war. It follows Saba on his return to Georgia, from which he had fled as a child with his father and brother. Both have returned before him, and both have mysteriously disappeared, leaving clues that Saba begins to follow. He explores the city of Tbilisi and the remoter parts of Georgia, but this is more than just a physical journey. He develops a greater understanding of himself and his relationship to the past. Accompanying him on his journey is Nodar, the taxi driver who picks him up from the airport. While Saba is in search of his father, Nodar is trying to find his young daughter, who, he is convinced, survived the conflict in South Ossetia. I found all the characters well drawn, Nodar is in many ways the most vivid: he is funny, generous, yet flawed. I cared about what happened to all of them. Saba faces many dangers on his journey – from the police, from zoo animals roaming the streets of Tbilisi, and from the taunting voice of his childhood friend, Nino, that he hears in his head throughout the book. Hers is not the only voice; there are relatives and friends. The fairy tale themes give the book a magical quality, adding to the atmosphere of danger. The plot moves quickly, and a good balance is struck between pacy adventure and poignant details. I am looking forward to Vardiashvili’s next book.

    This poignant tale of loss and resilience is a very assured debut novel. It has a compelling sense of place and well-developed characters. On a quest in his father's and brother's footsteps Saba revisits Georgia, from where he had escaped aged 12 in the aftermath of war. He finds violence, betrayal, but also fairy tale magic and mystery. A gripping story which is both an adventure and a journey into his own maturity.

    "Hard by a Great Forest" is a dramatic tale of betrayal, defeat and loss, juxtaposed against hope, survival, and resistance. The background to the story is the civil war in Georgia after its secession from the USSR, followed by the breakdown of all infrastructure, lawlessness, corruption, loss of civil rights, with ever present hunger. Leo Vardiashvili has created a cast of memorable characters, all with flaws, many of whom betray each other, all with their own agendas and needs. None of the people who form the bones of this story are either all ‘good’ or ‘bad’: they have their own weaknesses, desires, anger and fears. One of the main characters, Irakli, the father, is only given to us through the recollections of his son, Saba: is Irakli a hero or a broken man who causes harm? Even those introduced as villainous and cruel, such Kelbakiani the Tbilisi policeman, have the own back story with some mitigation for present behaviour. Those who have been traumatised by war have different rules. The narrative is written in the present tense which intensifies the impact of events on the reader. Saba, the narrator, is infused with voices from the past, memories of people and yet, some memories veer into current fantasy and disorientation. There are old ghosts and new friends. Which voices are real? How truthful is memory? The story is woven with the fairy tale of Hansel and Gretal, the theme of leaving clues for the rescuer, the working out of cryptic messages couched in the language Saba and his brother made up when young boys playing scavenger hunts. There is even a wicked witch: Nino, who holds power over Saba because of an incident when they were children. The fairy tale imagery is depicted through the numerous forest scenes, which are so representative of the Georgian landscape. The book rests on the questions, ‘where is home’, ‘what does exile mean, and cost’, ‘who is my enemy’, ‘what is my duty’, ‘when is life not worth living’? It examines the issues of trust, allegiance, necessary compromise for survival, what is worth dying for. The pace of the last few chapters is fast, urgent: the reader wills Nodar to survive. This is an unforgettable story, coloured with characters we believe in, root for, contextualise and forgive. When is it the right time to walk away, and to walk away from what?

    Hard by a Great Forest” by Leo Vardiashvili is a deeply moving and intricately woven tale that explores themes of family, memory, and the haunting echoes of the past. Set against the backdrop of Tbilisi, Georgia, the novel follows Saba as he embarks on a quest to find his missing father and brother, who have mysteriously disappeared after returning to their homeland. What struck me most about this book is its ability to blend the personal with the historical. Vardiashvili masterfully captures the essence of a war-torn country and the lingering impact it has on its people. The narrative is both poignant and often painfully comic. The characters are richly developed, each carrying their own burdens and secrets. Saba’s journey is not just a physical one but also an emotional and psychological exploration of his past and identity. The use of magical realism gives the story a modern fairy tale appeal. Vardiashvili’s prose is lyrical and evocative, painting vivid pictures of the Georgian landscape and the emotional turmoil of the characters. The breadcrumb trail of clues keeps the reader guessing throughout. Overall, “Hard by a Great Forest” is a spellbinding achievement that resonates long after the final page. It’s a story about the sacrifices we make for family, the ghosts of our past, and the enduring hope for reconciliation and peace. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys a beautifully written, thought-provoking read. It would be a well-deserved winner of the adventure prize.

    I have recently read a couple of other books which tackle themes of displacement, immigration and searching for cultural roots but this one held my interest more. I think it was the multi layered approach informing the narrative that intrigued me. I felt I had one foot in reality and one in a more ephemeral world of imagination brought on by trauma and the need for help from remembered elder members of the family. The destructive inner voice of Nino is an excellent device to express Saba’s trauma, PTSD and survivors guilt from the war torn Tbilisi of his childhood. The link to Hansel and Gretel and the physical setting of the forests and rivers added tension and foreboding to the narrative. I really enjoyed the idea of following his brother’s clues to find Irakli. The characterisation of Nodar and his back story was skilfully written and a great example of the complexity of human reactions when put under unbearable pressure. Nuanced and honest. I was moved by the discovery of Natia, which shone a light on the many forgotten, orphaned children of war torn countries. I would have liked to have found out what happened to Saba and Natia in Tblisi, but maybe there are plans for a sequel? I would recommend this poignant novel which tackles difficult global themes that are so current. - Julie K

    Thanks go to @readingagency and @BloomsburyBooks for supplying my reading group with this amazing book. Would I have chosen it? Maybe not. Am I glad I read it? Definitely. Returning to Georgia, as an adult, after fleeing the Civil War, as a boy, Saba followed his brothers scavenger hunt to find their missing father. Heartbreaking, educating, horrific, funny and highlighting the importance of friendship and trust - all the emotions in one stunning debut novel. Highly recommended.

    Such a descriptive read, following the family thread from Tbilisi to Croydon and back, characters telling a difficult story. Over decades of turmoil, in a country they called home, an insight into how people cope with losing family, leaving them behind. A hard read but a read to make you think!

    A difficult book for me to read, although I did finish it. A very descriptive book that let me envisage the scene. I found it harrowing times and didn't want to read on but did as I knew some poor folk had to experience the very difficult times of loss and great hardship. Not a genre that appeals to me, I prefer something more uplifting.

    A tale of families caught up in war-torn Tbolisi, Georgia. Story told by Saba, who is looking for his brother and father, following clues and trying to evade the police. Memories, fairytales and folklore , and with his taxi driver Nodar's help, Saba's search for missing family members. A heart breaking , funny at times, book of families dealing with sadness and memories. Unusual book well worth a read. LG Ruby Reaers

    Took me a while to get into this book with all the different characters in Sabos’ head. I’m so glad I did though. Beautifully written, the scene setting was so descriptive you are caught in the atmosphere. Feeling the cruelty and vindictiveness of war and the sheer will to survive. How can it be that a few men can inflict horrors that destroy the lives of people for decades and beyond. There’s humour here too, I liked Nodar good at heart but driven to sell his soul. I will always remember the Georgian saying “ a visitor is a gift from god”

    Part comedy, part tragedy. Broken spirits, damaged lives, ancient ghosts, wise words and easy humour. What an interesting book. The lead character's quest was unusual and engaging and I found his journey both uplifting and heartbreaking. I wanted Saba to succeed and willed him on at every stage as he negotiated his broken homeland. The author's descriptions of Georgia, Georgians and their history was fascinating and the irrepressible humour and generosity of it's brutalised people shone through even in the darkest of times.

    The Reading Agency

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