Elmer and the Gift bookcover

Elmer and the Gift

David McKee

Aunt Zelda has a gift to give to Elmer from his Grandpa Eldo, but she can’t remember what it is or where it is. Zelda’s memory sometimes escapes her, and her hearing isn’t what it used to be, so they set off together to find Grandpa Eldo and solve the mystery of the forgotten gift.

In his 30th storybook, Elmer’s love, patience and respect for his Aunt Zelda and Grandpa Eldo makes for a heart-warming depiction of family life with elderly relatives, and deftly deals with themes relating to dementia with love and respect.

Elfed a’r Anrheg
Mae gan ei fodryb anrheg i’w rhoi i Elfed gan ei daid, ond nid yw hi’n gallu cofio beth yw’r anrheg na lle mae hi. Weithiau mae cof ei fodryb yn dianc, ac nid yw ei chlyw yr hyn yr arferai fod, felly maent yn cychwyn gyda’i gilydd i ddod o hyd i’w daid a datrys dirgelwch yr anrheg a anghofiwyd.

Yn ei 30ain llyfr stori, mae cariad, amynedd a pharch Elfed at ei fodryb a’i daid yn creu portread i godi calon o fywyd teuluol gyda pherthnasau oedrannus, gan ddelio’n ddeheuig â themâu sy’n ymwneud â dementia gyda chariad a pharch.

The Reading Agency

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