My Book about Brains, Change and Dementia: What is Dementia and What Does it Do? bookcover

My Book about Brains, Change and Dementia: What is Dementia and What Does it Do?

Lynda Moore, George Haddon

What does dementia do to the brain? What changes might we notice if a parent or grandparent has the disease? How might we feel about it and what can help?

This book breaks down misconceptions about dementia and speaks directly to children aged under 5 about the realities of the disease, using age appropriate language in an engaging and informative way. It reassures parents of the value of open and honest conversation about the challenges raised by dementia and offers advice and support in the opening ‘Guide for grown ups’. It includes a diverse audience of characters, to emphasise that ANY child can be impacted by dementia in their loved ones. Unlike traditional storybooks, the ending provides a question for the adult and child reading it to ponder together.

Fy Llyfr am yr Ymennydd, Newidiadau a Dementia
Beth mae dementia yn ei wneud i’r ymennydd? Pa newidiadau y gallwn ni sylwi arnynt os oes gan riant neu nain neu daid y clefyd? Sut gallwn ni deimlo a beth allwn ni wneud i helpu?

Mae’r llyfr hwn yn chwalu camargraffiadau am ddementia ac yn siarad yn uniongyrchol â phlant o dan 5 oed am realiti’r clefyd, gan ddefnyddio iaith sy’n briodol i’w hoedran mewn ffordd ddiddorol a llawn gwybodaeth. Mae’n tawelu meddwl rhieni am werth sgwrs agored a gonest am yr heriau a gwyd gan ddementia ac mae’n cynnig cyngor a chefnogaeth yn y ‘Canllaw i oedolion’. Mae’n cynnwys amrywiaeth o gymeriadau, i bwysleisio y gall dementia gael effaith ar UNRHYW blentyn y mae dementia yn effeithio ar ei anwyliaid. Yn wahanol i lyfrau stori traddodiadol, mae’r diweddglo yn rhoi cwestiwn i’r oedolyn a’r plentyn sy’n ei ddarllen i’w drafod gyda’i gilydd.

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