FAQs on Dementia bookcover

FAQs on Dementia

Tom Russ, Michael Huddleston

No question too embarrassing, naive, complicated or simple – everything that’s ever been asked about dementia, answered.

Fe wnaethoch chi adael y feddygfa cyn i chi allu gofyn y pethau roeddech chi wir eisiau eu holi. Rydych chi wedi gwglo eich cwestiwn am ddementia ac wedi cael 75 o atebion, pob un yn gwrth-ddweud ei gilydd. Rydych wedi holi eich ffrind gorau – ond edrychodd arnoch chi’n rhyfedd.

Mae gennych gymaint o gwestiynau, ond nid oes syniad gennych ble i ddechrau dod o hyd i’r atebion. Dyma nhw. Yn y llyfr hwn fe welwch yr atebion penodol, arbenigol i’ch holl gwestiynau ar ddementia. Nid oes unrhyw gwestiwn yn rhy syml, yn rhy ddigywilydd neu’n rhy anarferol i’w cynnwys, ac mae miloedd o bobl wedi gofyn yr un rhai â chi.

Tom Russ
Tom Russ trained in medicine and psychiatry in Edinburgh, the Highlands, and London and completed a PhD in dementia epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh. He is a consultant psychiatrist in NHS Lothian, Network Champion of the NRS Neuroprogressive and Dementia Network, and Director of the Alzheimer Scotland Dementia Research Centre at the University of Edinburgh.

Michael Huddleston
Michael Huddleston is Alzheimer Scotland’s Dementia Advisor for Mid and East Lothian. He provides advice and information for people living with dementia and their families, and works closely with local Health and Social Care Partnerships to influence and shape dementia and carer-specific strategies and to accommodate the needs and views of people with lived experience.

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