United: Caring for our loved ones living with dementia bookcover

United: Caring for our loved ones living with dementia

Tony Husband, Gina Awad

‘A beautiful and moving book that vividly brings home the challenges faced by those with dementia and their carers’ Sir Tony Robinson

A moving and beautifully illustrated book that captures the real life tales of people living with dementia, as told by their loved ones caring for them.

This humorous, heartwarming and often heartbreaking collection will be relatable and supportive for anyone touched by dementia in their lives, and provides insight and information for anyone wanting to know more.

The stories reflect on: the impact of receiving a diagnosis, the importance of person-centred care and social inclusion; the power of meaningful engagement, partnerships, peer support and much, much more.

Unedig: Gofalu am ein hanwyliaid sy’n byw gyda dementia
Llyfr teimladwy gyda darluniau hyfryd sy’n cyfleu hanesion bywyd go iawn pobl sy’n byw gyda dementia, yn ngeiriau eu hanwyliaid sy’n gofalu amdanynt.

Bydd y casgliad digrif hwn a all gynhesu a thorri eich calon i’r un graddau, yn berthnasol ac yn gymorth i unrhyw un sydd wedi cael eu cyffwrdd gan ddementia yn eu bywydau, ac yn rhoi argraff a gwybodaeth i unrhyw un sydd eisiau gwybod mwy.

Mae’r straeon yn myfyrio ar: effaith derbyn diagnosis, pwysigrwydd gofal sy’n canolbwyntio ar yr unigolyn a chynhwysiant cymdeithasol; grym ymgysylltu ystyrlon, partneriaethau, cefnogaeth cymheiriaid a llawer, llawer mwy.

Gina Awad
Gina is recognised as one of 100 most influential women in Exeter.

She founded the Exeter Dementia Action Alliance (EDAA) in 2014. EDAA is a vibrant collaborative partnership of groups, organisations and individuals whose mission is to work with committed and caring partners to deliver positive and lasting change in Exeter for people affected by dementia.

She also supports families living with dementia as a personal assistant.

In 2023 she joined the Royal College of Psychiatrists as a carer representative for the Memory Services National Accreditation Programme.

She was awarded a British Empire Medal in 2018 for her voluntary services for people affected by dementia across Devon and hosts a local radio show ‘Living Better With Dementia’ on Phonic 106.8 FM.

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