Remember Me?: Discovering My Mother as She Lost Her Memory bookcover

Remember Me?: Discovering My Mother as She Lost Her Memory

Shobna Gulati

Remember Me? is a memoir about caring for a parent with dementia and the memories that resurface in the process.

In her first book, Shobna Gulati sets out to reclaim her mother’s past after her death, and in turn, discovers a huge amount about herself and their relationship.

Remember Me? captures the powerful emotions that these memories hold to both Shobna and her mother; secrets they had collectively buried and also the concealment of her mother’s condition.

What ensues is a story of cultural assimilation, identity and familial shame.

Ti’n Cofio fi? Dod i adnabod fy mam wrth iddi golli ei chof
Cofiant yw Ti’n Cofio fi? sy’n trafod gofalu am riant â dementia a’r atgofion sy’n dod i’r wyneb wrth wneud hynny. Yn ei llyfr cyntaf, mae Shobna Gulati yn ceisio adennill gorffennol ei mam ar ôl ei marwolaeth, ac yn ei dro, mae’n darganfod llawer iawn amdani hi ei hun a’u perthynas. Mae Ti’n Cofio fi? yn cyfleu’r emosiynau pwerus sydd gan yr atgofion hyn i Shobna a’i mam; cyfrinachau yr oeddent wedi’u claddu gyda’i gilydd, a hefyd, cuddio cyflwr ei mam.

Yr hyn sydd yma yw stori am gymhathiad diwylliannol, hunaniaeth a chywilydd teuluol.

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