The Memory Activity Book: Practical Projects to Help with Memory Loss and Dementia bookcover

The Memory Activity Book: Practical Projects to Help with Memory Loss and Dementia

DK, AARP (DK IPL), Angela Rippon, Helen Lambert

Slow and delay the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, from memory loss to disorientation, with this practical activity book.

Using step-by-step ideas designed to stimulate and entertain, dementia care specialist Helen Lambert explains how engaging in a variety of simple activities can benefit different parts of the brain and help to keep your mind fitter for longer.

What’s more, everyone can join in: each activity contains hints and tips that not only show you how to do it, but also include ways to adapt the various physical exercises, games, and craft projects for different abilities, or to include family and friends.

Dive straight in to discover:

-Over 50 activities to choose from accordingly relating to mood, ability and energy level
-Panels include a range of advice and highlight the reactions activities may trigger and how to deal with them
-Includes general guidance on the nature of memory loss and dementia and how to interact with the condition
-Suitable for people with Alzheimer’s, Vascular dementia and other types of cognitive impairment.

Whether your interests are in music, art, gaming, or gardening, The Memory Activity Book has activities to suit, as well as ideas to inspire anyone looking for guidance on how best to interact with people affected by memory issues, Alzheimer’s, or other forms of dementia.

Whatever your involvement – friend, relative, partner, or patient – The Memory Activity Book offers a valuable resource for everyone living with dementia.


Mae’r llyfr gweithgareddau ymarferol hwn yn eich helpu i arafu ac oedi symptomau clefyd Alzheimer a mathau eraill o ddementia, o golli cof i ddryswch.

Gan ddefnyddio syniadau cam wrth gam sydd wedi’u cynllunio i ysgogi a diddanu, mae’r arbenigwr gofal dementia Helen Lambert yn esbonio sut y gall cymryd rhan mewn amrywiaeth o weithgareddau syml fod o fudd i wahanol rannau o’r ymennydd a helpu i gadw’ch meddwl yn fwy heini am fwy o amser.

At hynny, gall pawb ymuno: mae pob gweithgaredd yn cynnwys awgrymiadau a syniadau sydd nid yn unig yn dangos sut i wneud y gweithgaredd, ond sydd hefyd yn cynnwys ffyrdd o addasu’r gwahanol ymarferion corfforol, gemau a phrosiectau crefft ar gyfer gwahanol alluoedd, neu i gynnwys teulu a ffrindiau.

Helen Lambert
Helen worked in Health and Social Care as an Occupational Therapist (OT) for more than 30 years, before moving abroad last year. Initially within the NHS and subsequently as an Independent, Helen has been creating and facilitating dementia care training and learning resources since 2001 for a number of organisations such as Social Care Wales, Health Education and Improvement Wales, Care Inspectorate Wales, Welsh Ambulance Service Trust and Marie Curie Cymru. In addition, Helen supports Positive Approach® to Care (PAC) internationally, as a Mentor.

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