Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia: A Guide for Families bookcover

Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia: A Guide for Families

Karen Watchman

Drawing on the author’s first-hand experiences with families, this book provides crucial, accessible information and answers the difficult questions that often arise when a family member with an intellectual disability is diagnosed with dementia.

Linking directly to policy and practice in both dementia and intellectual disability care, this book takes an outcome-focussed approach to support short, medium and long-term planning. With a particular emphasis on communication, the author seeks to ensure that families and organisations are able to converse effectively about a relative’s health and care. The book looks at how to recognise when changes in the health of a relative with an intellectual disability could indicate the onset of dementia, as well as addressing common concerns surrounding living situations, medication and care plans. Each chapter is structured to identify strategies for support whilst working towards outcomes identified by families as dementia progresses.

Anableddau Deallusol a Dementia: Canllaw i deuluoedd
Gan dynnu ar brofiadau uniongyrchol yr awdur gyda theuluoedd, mae’r llyfr hwn yn darparu gwybodaeth hanfodol a hygyrch ac yn ateb y cwestiynau anodd sy’n aml yn codi pan fydd aelod o’r teulu ag anabledd deallusol yn cael diagnosis o ddementia.

Gan gysylltu’n uniongyrchol â pholisi ac ymarfer mewn gofal dementia ac anabledd deallusol, mae’r llyfr hwn yn canolbwyntio ar ganlyniadau i gefnogi cynllunio tymor byr, tymor canol a thymor hir. Gyda phwyslais arbennig ar gyfathrebu, mae’r awdur yn ceisio sicrhau bod teuluoedd a sefydliadau yn gallu sgwrsio’n effeithiol am iechyd a gofal perthynas. Mae’r llyfr yn edrych ar sut i adnabod pryd y gallai newidiadau yn iechyd perthynas ag anabledd deallusol ddangos dechrau dementia, yn ogystal â mynd i’r afael â phryderon cyffredin ynghylch sefyllfaoedd byw, meddyginiaeth a chynlluniau gofal. Mae pob pennod wedi’i strwythuro i adnabod strategaethau ar gyfer cymorth wrth weithio tuag at ganlyniadau a nodwyd gan deuluoedd wrth i ddementia ddatblygu.

Karen Watchman
Karen Watchman is Professor of Ageing, Frailty and Dementia in the Faculty of Health Sciences and Sport at the University of Stirling, Scotland. Drawing on her experience as a former Chief Executive of Down Syndrome Scotland where she first worked alongside people with Down’s syndrome, Karen leads a research team that includes co-researchers and advisors with a learning disability and dementia. She is founder of the social enterprise SquarePeg Training alongside Associates with a learning disability who co-develop and co-deliver dementia training.
Karen is an expert advisor to Alzheimer Europe, a member of the international committee of the National Task Group on Intellectual Disabilities and Dementia Practices, USA, and a reviewer for the WHO Global Dementia Observatory Knowledge Exchange Platform.

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