Take Care, Son: The Story of My Dad and his Dementia bookcover

Take Care, Son: The Story of My Dad and his Dementia

Tony Husband

This is the touching, illustrated story of a father and how dementia slowly took him away from his family. The title is a reference to his last words to his son – on a day when his son had spent the day in the care home with no sign of recognition. The book is framed as a chat between the son and his dad, who fades away through the last few pages of the book.

Cymer Ofal, ’Machgen i: Stori Dad a’i Ddementia
Dyma stori deimladwy, ddarluniadol tad a sut y cipiwyd ef dros amser oddi wrth ei deulu gan ddementia. Y teitl yw ei eiriau olaf i’w fab – pan oedd ei fab wedi treulio’r diwrnod yn y cartref gofal heb unrhyw arwydd o adnabyddiaeth. Mae’r llyfr yn cael ei gyflwyno fel sgwrs rhwng y mab a’i dad, sy’n pylu ac yn diflannu’n raddol erbyn tudalen olaf y llyfr.

The Reading Agency

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