A Pirate’s Life for Me!

Step back in time with children’s book author Susan Brownrigg and discover how real life people, places and stories inspire her writing.

Voyage back to Madagascar, 1733 and discover how two real life pirate Captain’s influenced Susan’s pirate adventure. Find out what life at sea was like for young pirates and how Kintana’s island really was home to dozens of pirates. Learn how the wildlife of Madagascar influenced her plot including elephant birds, curious aye-ayes with long middle fingers and giant hissing cockroaches. (Includes smell cubes, talking tin sounds, costumes and replica elephant bird egg handling.)

40 minute talk with reading PLUS 20 minute Q&A.

UCLan Publishing
Susan is a Lancashire lass and the author of the Gracie Fairshaw mysteries set in 1930’s Blackpool, and Kintana and the Captain’s Curse – a pirate adventure set in Madagascar. Susan also works as a library assistant and has enjoyed careers in journalism and heritage and wildlife education. Susanbrownrigg.com
KINTANA AND THE CAPTAIN’S CURSE A pirate treasure hunt set on Nosy Boraha, Madagascar, 1733. (Standalone adventure) (July, 2020, Uclan Publishing) Ahoy there! The Nine Sails is casting off for Madagascar. So, all aboard for a treasure hunt you'll never forget! Kintana has grown up listening to stories of life at sea from her pa, an ex-pirate turned pet shop owner. So when a tall ship - The Nine Sails - berths at Pirate Island she eagerly joins the motley crew as a cabin boy - even though her main duty will be to look after the pirate's pets. But someone on board is determined to disrupt the voyage, could the dreaded captain's curse be to blame? Or is it the lure of buried treasure that will draw the ship back to her island home? One thing is for sure, Kintana is about to discover that sometimes adventure is found closer to home. The book cover design and all illustrations created by Jenny Czerwonka.
Flexible Open to discussion
Ages 7 – 14 and families
Event Type
Author's Travel Constraints
North West England preferred Will consider further afield, especially North East England, depending on fee
Free if booked via UCLan Publishing as part of book tour (Lancashire/GreaterManchester/Liverpool). Normal fee £100 for an hour + travel expenses
Technical Requirements
Susan uses a powerpoint presentation, she also requires a table for displaying handling objects
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