Heartburn bookcover


Nora Ephron

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Seven months into her pregnancy, Rachel discovers that her husband is in love with another woman.

The fact that this woman has a ‘neck as long as an arm and a nose as long as a thumb’ is no consolation.

Food sometimes is, though, since Rachel is a cookery writer, and between trying to win Mark back and wishing him dead, she offers us some of her favourite recipes.

Heartburn is a roller coaster of love, betrayal, loss and – most satisfyingly – revenge. This is Nora Ephron’s (screenwriter of When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle) roman a clef: ‘I always thought during the pain of the marriage that one day it would make a funny book,’ she once said – And it is!

Latest reviews

I picked this up because I'm such a fan of When Harry Met Sally..., which Nora Ephron wrote, and I'm really glad I did. It has that same style of humour - witty and smart - and I laughed out loud several times. Also, the added peppering of recipes throughout the book was great, and really added to the experience.

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